Please read all the below contraindications for massage & fill out print and fill out the client intake form and bring with you to your 1st massage appointment. If you are receiving a cupping treatment also, you will need to fill out the separate form for cupping too. Thank you.
Contraindications for Massage
Bites CONTAGIOUS and insect or snake bites
Contagious or Infectious Diseases – including colds & flu - expose therapist to disease, weaken immune system, and spread infection through lymphatic system (tuberculosis/meningitis/encephalitis/MRSA)
Fever– body fighting an infection
Neuritis – inflamed peripheral nerves resulting in pain and loss of function
Pregnancy – No massage until after 1st trimester
Recent Operations - Postoperative Precautions or Acute Injuries – Doctors permission within 6 months
Skin Diseases – Herpes …
Substance Abuse (drugs or alcohol) – including prescription pain medications
Allergy Symptoms & Skin Rashes –lesions, rashes, hives, psoriasis, eczema, poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac
Eczema (rough, blisters, inflamed skin
Edema (excessive fluid retention)
HIV – (wear gloves if open legions)
Inflammation – AVOID if red, painful & swelling
Pregnancy –AVOID abdomen & feet & no aromas
Skin Infections –boils, abscesses …
Skin Lesions, Open Wounds, Sores, Blistering
Ulcers – AVOID abdomen
Undiagnosed lumps or bumps or pain
Varicose veins
All conditions already being treated by a doctor
Accident – recent
Angina – pain in chest
Asthma - chronic
Bell’s palsy, trapped & pinched nerves
Cancer – CASE BY CASE BASIS – NEED DOCTOR PERMISSION – AVOID tumor site, abdominal region, & sometimes quadrant. AVOID lymph node area if removed & below limb. AVOID radiation region. Chemotherapy & radiation prone to infection – AVOID OILS & LOTIONS – Okay in terminal cases
Cardio – Vascular / Heart Conditions-
Artherosclerosis (plaque) – AVOID CAROTID ARTERIES IN NECK
Blood Clotting (embolism or thrombus) –can get bruising or hemorrhaging from deep tissue
Heart Attack, Conditions, Angina, Pacemakers
High Blood Pressure (light massage)
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Pacemaker (avoid area)
Phlebitis – inflammation of veins – usually in legs
Thrombophlebitis (deep leg veins) –can move blood clots & cause death
Dizzy & Nauseated
Eczema -Extreme (rough, blisters, inflamed skin)
Edema- Extreme (excessive fluid retention)
Fatigue (Extreme OR Sudden) –early symptoms of life threatening degenerative diseases – diabetes, cardiovascular, cancer, auto immune disease, chronic infection – REFER TO DOCTOR
Gynecological Infections
Inflammation (“it is”)–REFER TO DOCTOR –could be fracture, dislocation, rheumatoid arthritis (joints), dermatitis (skin) …
Kidney Infection – sever loin pain with fever – REFER TO DOCTOR
Nervous or Psychotic Conditions
Neuritis – Nerve Inflammation, trapped or pinched nerves – REFER TO DOCTOR
Osteoporosis (Severe – light massage)
Peritonitis – abdomen ridged or extreme pain (fever) - inflammation of abdomen – REFER TO DOCTOR
Psoriasis – Extreme - (a skin disease marked by red, itchy, scaly patches)
Pregnancy – NEED DOCTOR APPROVAL in 1st trimester or medical issues
Severe Pain –– can’t sleep well, or lie down comfortably - REFER TO DOCTOR
Other – Per Doctor’s request
Blood Clotting (embolism or thrombus)
Chronic Pain –Autoimmune Diseases – lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis…
Elderly (frail) – bruising
High Blood Pressure
Fatigues, excessive stress, & unable to relax
Loss of Sensation (Numbness) –can bruise tissue. Could be late-phase diabetes, syringo-myelia, spinal cord or brain damage, nerve root or peripheral nerve compression, intoxication, drug use, or stroke
Osteoporosis – gentle massage only
Metal in body
Some medications –if taking anticoagulant drugs… Per Doctor
Thrombophlebitis (deep leg veins)
Consent for areas worked on:
Written _______
Verbal _______
Please answer yes or no to the below areas of treatment:
Face _____
Head _____
Pecs _____
Between Breasts _____
Breasts ______ (Dr. approved for cancer clients) _______
Other area's to avoid ____________________________________
Pressure (light, medium or deep) ___________________________
In addition to the above, I have reviewed all the contraindications list and affirm that I have no contraindications that will interfere with my treatments.
Client Signature: ___________________________________________
Client Information
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________________________________________
DOB: __________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Referred By: __________________________________________________________________________
In Case of Emergency Name & Number: ____________________________________________________
Occupation: __________________________________________________________________________
Sex: _______________________
Physician Name & Number: _____________________________________________________________
Health Insurance Carrier: _______________________________________________________________
Please take a moment to carefully read the following information and sign where indicated. If you have a specific medical condition or specific symptoms, massage/bodywork may be contraindicated. A referral from your primary care provided may be required prior to service being provided.
Have you ever experience a professional massage or bodywork session? _________________________
How recently? _________________________
Please indicate with an X if you have any of the following:
Do you frequently suffer from stress? ________
Do you have diabetes? ________
Do you experience frequent headaches? ________
Are you Pregnant? ________
Do you suffer from arthritis? ________
Are you wearing contact lenses? ________
Are you wearing dentures? ________
Do you have high blood pressure? ________
If yes to previous question, are you taking medication for this? ________
Do you suffer from epilepsy or seizures? ________
Do you suffer from joint swelling? ________
Do you have varicose veins? ________
Do you have any contagious diseases? ________
Do you have osteoporosis? ________
Do you have allergies? ________
Do you bruise easily? ________
Have you had any broken bones in the past two years? _______________________________________
Have you been in an accident or suffered and injuries in the past two years?
Do you have tension or soreness in a specific area? Please explain:
Do you have cardiac or circulatory problems?
Do you suffer from back pain?
Do you have numbness or stabbing pains anywhere? Where?
Are you very sensitive to touch or pressure in any area?
Have you ever had surgery? Explain:
Do you have any other medical conditions, or are you taking any medications I should know about?
I understand that the massage/bodywork I receive is provided for the basic purpose of relaxation and relief of muscular tension. If I experience any pain or discomfort during the session, I will immediately inform the practitioner so that the pressure and or strokes may be adjusted to my level of comfort. I further understand that massage or bodywork should not be construed as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment and that I should see a physician, chiropractor, or other qualified medical specialist for any medical or physical ailment of which I am aware. I understand that massage/bodywork practitioners are not qualified to perform spinal or skeletal adjustments, diagnose, prescribe or treat any physical or mental illness, and that nothing said in the course of the session should be construed as such. Because massage/bodywork should not be performed under certain medical conditions, I affirm that I have stated all my known medical conditions and answered all questions honestly. I agree to keep the practitioner updated as to any changes in my medical profile and understand that there shall be no liability on the practitioner’s part should I fail to do so. I also understand that any illicit or sexually suggestive remarks or advances made by me will result in immediate terminate of the session, and I will be liable for payment of the scheduled appointment.
Client signature ________________________________________________________________________
Practitioner signature ___________________________________________________________________
Consent to treatment of Minor: By my signature below, I hereby authorize Sheri Newcombe to administer massage, bodywork, or somatic therapy techniques to my child or dependent as they deem necessary.
Signature of Parent or Guardian ___________________________________________________________
Date __________________________